Image Library, CDC.GOV

Image Library, CDC.GOV

Dr. Chavira is an experienced Emergency Physician who has been on the Front Lines of the COVID 19 crisis since day one. Dr. Chavira contracted COVID in March 2020 and returned to work in April. He has both the clinical experience of treating hundreds or thousands of COVID patients as well as the personal experience of being one. He also has documented anti-bodies against COVID - having both had it and being double vaccinated - making him as safe as possible to deliver care. (Per studies on Millions of people and the CDC, the risk of passing along covid from a double vaccinated individual is tiny).

Having worked in the ER throughout the COVID pandemic, Dr. Chavira’s extensive experience in all forms of the COVID syndrome - from the most benign to the most severe. He has even served as the Physician Charge of Airway Teams to intubate critically ill COVID patients. Dr. Chavira has made it a passion to treat post COVID and Long covid patients with Brain Fog, anxiety, and/or fatigue with great success.

Dr. Chavira is privileged to be available for COVID testing, counseling, treatment, and post COVID health optimization.